Models of Diode (Ideal and Constant Voltage)

Models of Diodes 1. Why use different models for diode? we have seen how the I-V characteristic of a PN Junction diode reveals exponential dependence of junction current on biasing voltage , given by This implies the necessity to solve exponential equations for obtaining exact values of current and voltages in circuits having diodes, which actually can't be expressed in closed form . So to simplify our life, we adopt standard approximations for behaviour of diode, called models for analysing various circuits. 2. The IDEAL Diode Model This model assumes that as soon as the diode is forward biased , even if the biasing voltage is just tiny bit greater than 0 volts, the diode acts as a short circuit and can be modelled by a short circuiting wire. On the other hand, as soon as its reverse biased , it starts behaving as an open circuit , even though the biasing voltage is just infinitesimally neg...